Our Impact

What we support

At JEM, we’re passionate about supporting projects that create educational and skill development opportunities for underprivileged individuals and impoverished communities around the world.

With your support, a percentage of the proceeds generated from our campaigns are thereby invested into social development programmes that provide opportunities for disadvantaged people to access resources and obtain skills that can help increase their chance of success in life.

Where possible, we tend to favour projects that go beyond traditional cash donations preferring instead to develop long-term partnerships with grassroots organisations in deprived communities whom we support by sharing wisdom, knowledge and best practices so they too can build strong, sustainable futures.

To this end, our work in this area is varied and may include projects that range from helping vulnerable people develop their talents in business, music, photography and the arts, to specific programmes designed to tackle challenging social issues such as keeping young people off the streets and helping them find alternative paths.


Find out how we’re our partnering Kiva to help lift people out of poverty.